Hey Friends, Here’s an Update (or Five).

10 Apr

I’m gonna rapid-fire a few blog entries, here.

I haven’t updated in a while, because I’ve been incredibly preoccupied and busy. Why’s that, you might ask? Well, my senior thesis is officially complete! I sent it to the printer a little over a week ago (March 29th), and I should be getting my first proof of the book tomorrow (I’ll edit this entry with a photo when I do get it).

I’m really excited to have it finished. I feel really good about where the book ended up, story and illustration-wise, in spite of all of the troubles I had with writing it and finding the motivation to work on it. The work itself ended up being a lot of fun; I spent my Spring Break practically living in my studio doing nothing but watercoloring. A week or so passed after that and I had to fight through some more motivation problems, but in the final week I was able to finish all of my drawings, finish watercoloring all of the illustrations, stay awake and relatively alert for 36 hours, sleep for another 12, and then pull another ultra-late night making the final touches and preparing my presentation. It’s done!

The book is for sale on Blurb.com’s marketplace, and can be found here. I’m waiting a bit to promote it seriously; I want to make sure the proof looks alright before I spread it around and beg for people to buy it from me. But this at least gives you an idea of the cover and the preview pages inside!

More to come!

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